Manifesto: Using Cloud Storage as A Website

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Web Design
Special thanks to Prof. Tyler Paige

Regarding the insecurity that cloud storage brings us, mentally, data, or some other sides, I call on people to think of cloud storage as a platform on which they can build websites and maintain them without specialized skills and on which they can share information, communicate, and play.

The project originated with a text version of a manifesto I wrote about cloud storage, and the professor asked us to present the manifesto using the technology we chose.

I built a website on a Google sheet, added some existing information-sharing platforms built on Google Drive, and created some templates to use as references to stimulate the imagination about how cloud storage can be used as a website. For the design part, I used Arial, the default Google Sheet font, and utilized the grid system of changeable lengths and widths in the Google Sheet to create a visual language that is unique to this site.



我选择在一个Google Sheet上建立了一个网站,加入了一些已有的在google drive上建立的信息分享平台,并且自己制作了一些模板作为参考,旨在激发大家关于云储存如何作为一个网站的想象力。在网站的设计上,我使用了Google Sheet默认的字体Arial,并且利用Google Sheet里可更改长和宽的网格系统,建立了一个只属于这个网站的视觉语言。